I have taken sometime to share with you 5 fundamentals principle to
must have in mind before going into Network marketing to build a solid
A good number of people we know in the past, maybe now are very much
into Direct Selling Business popularly known as Networking Marketing or Direct Sales or MLM (Multi Level Marketing)
But just in case you’re thinking of going into Network marketing. I
will like to give you so insight to building a long-term solid business.
I know as crazy as it sound; Networking Business is a more reliable
and sustainable venture, it is a fair system that rewards you for your time and
effort. It is a level playing field that rewards anyone will average skill to
improve and compensate you long-term for your hard work. My recommendation for who
wants to win, take responsibilities of their personal life Network marketing is
a very important place you should consider. Take advantage it will get you the
kind of lifestyle you desire.
1. Passion for your Product:
You must be very, very passionate about your company's product(s),
whatever product you're marketing, your progress & success will be very
slow if your only motivation is the money and you might quit, that’s losing
your business
The reason is the Money involved is crazy,
you can make as little as nothing as much as well over $1,000,000. The reason is eventually, when
you start your business and the challenges roll it, your passion for your
product that keeps you going. Your passion for your product is a formula for
your success
2. Industry Leader:
This is very important that the company you are teaming up with
should be Number 1, in their product Line categories (Why should you work for
an oil company called Uncle Jide & Co, when Chevron, Total & Oando is
What this does for you, it makes you job more easier because your
company is positioning: It is a brand to that everyone will like to associate
with. We have well over 10,000 direct selling industries in the world. Of
course I will not list any brand name. Here are few tips, you can always check
The top 100 direct selling companies
The rating of a particular
So it is very important for you to be part of Industry Leader (the
running giant)
3. Events & Training:
We all go to school at some point in our lives because we know
ignorance is much more expensive than the cost of education. The reason why a
lot of network professional fails it they refuse to seek help: training (we
need help now because we are weak but because we want to stay strong)
So going for your company events and training is very important to
your success when it comes to Network marketing, it will help boost your
believe system, events gives you all the knowledge you need to succeed in your
business. This is the reason why the biggest why the biggest network marketing
company remains the biggest, because they have got a pretty amazing training.
If you have any successful Network Professionals you know, you can ask what
contribute their major success.
4. Compensation Plan
You have got to be part of company that pays you for your effort,
some company is paying as much as 60% of the revenue back to their business
partner/retailer/distributor, So before you partner up with a direct selling
company, Make sure you get to know about their compensation plan and all the
other bonuses. Every company has it. I am not going to mention any company name.
Here are few tips, you can
always check
The Best 100 direct selling company
The Best direct selling
company with the rich compensation plan
It is equally very important for you that you get to enjoy your own
company and be part of Industry that cares about you.
5. Team & Mentorship
Here is the toughest thing about mentorship; it is hard for you to
teach someone how to become what you’re not (You can only give what you have
abi? smiles). In the case we need to understand the concept of modelling, so if
you want to have huge success in your life find someone that has the kind of
success that you want, figure how they did it; do the same thing and you’ll get
the same result. Basically that’s modelling is all about.
So if you’re someone that is serious and not
afraid of hard work, coachable and teachable then go find someone in the Network
Company; you’re into or going into. Who has the kind of success you want to
mentor you someone who has done it. So if you want to have a lot of success you
must work hard, attend training & events and finally you must be willing to
follow your mentorship if you do want to have a lot of success
My wish for you is: You
decide to become a network professional, you decide to go pro, you decide to do
all it takes because it is a stone code fact that we have a better way
Now let’s go tell the world
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