Thursday, February 12, 2015

180 Days Financial Freedom Project

Hello, how are you doing?

Great, look; I’m about to start a project that is going to create wealth for me and the people that I’m going to work within the next 180 days.
We’re going to achieve fast results and right now I’m putting together the team of people who are going to run with me during this short time, and who will benefit the most.
Based upon an idea, Are you with me?
In a few short months we can change EVERYTHING about our lives.
I’m sure you want more details how we’re going to go about it,
but does this sound like something you would want in?
Sms, whatsapp or email me your name, email address and location.

Esho Oluwaseun
+234 8104911410

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Business of 21st Century: Online Job, Work from home, For anyone, anywhere

Picture source:

Today I am going to write something a little different, the whole word is changing rapidly and nobody is immune to is effect, we have seen the need to come online for one reason or the other. Internet has made the world to a smaller community. Have you ever work online before? Have you tried to bring your goods and service online? We are seeking for information that will help our situation. Working online is a plus for many of us who has been here for a while now.

Are you an Entrepreneur, self-employed, underemployed, broke, unemployed, overworked, college students, underpaid stay at home mom.. 
Do you want to work part time on your spare time?
It is 100% legit opportunity for anyone anywhere in the world

100% It is simple
100% Easy
100% Internet Business Opportunity
100% Network Marketing
100% Travel
100% Self-employed
100% Work from Home

No Boss
No Door Banging
No Stress
More Fun
More Living
It is fun all the way

Remember:  If you dont try something different, you will never get something different

Contacts Details
Twitter/ skype: heshomoney 
LinkedIn: Esho Oluwaseun Heshomoney  
For more information, send details to or call +2348104911410.

My wish for you is: You decide to become a network professional; you decide to go pro; you decide to do all it takes because it is a stone code fact that we have a better way... Now let’s go tell the world

Friday, January 30, 2015

10 Simple Networking Tips You Must Have in Mind

Networking is fundamental to how business and new relationships are created.
Networking helps different ways, for me, I can say it has given me a good number of opportunities and experiences in my life, thanks to my involving in direct selling business, I have met some inspiring; nurturing individuals have been able to reconnect with old friends & contact
Learning something new everyday and meeting someone new.
Networking is a plus for me, I love meeting people but now I have something of value I can always now share with the other person I have come across; Well, I now wakes up early to train myself with book and personal development materials; thanks for #ETinspires #TonyRobbis #BrainTracy #LesBrown #MattMorris #RobertKiyosaki & even the last #JimRohn all these are phenomenonal. Being in the business it is a must I improve in all areas of my life and now reading makes more sense to me. I recommend we all need to push ourselves to be better; Networking Marketing Business is a principal vehicle to improve us faster and better.
1) Networking is the new certainty in life, so start learning now.
Benjamin Franklin once said the only two certainties in life are “Death and Taxes”. 
In network marketing there are two more — Presentations and dealing with people. No matter where you are, you are presenting to online, at home or work. We are all in people business and we will always need to deal with people. So we need to start working on business & people skill.
In networking business you are both presenting your business and dealing with people.
If you acknowledge and accept this, why not start investing now to become better at it?

2) The 80-20 rule of networking helps you find jobs and opportunities.
They say 80 percent of jobs and opportunities are found through networking with other professionals and 20 percent are found on newspaper. 20 percent of people use networking effectively and 80 percent do not. So if 20 percent of all people are using networking to get at 80 percent of all the opportunities, what should you be doing? Networking! With networking you get to meet diverse professionals, giving you an edge other others
3) Give without expectation.
Networking is not asking for a job and it is about you sharing what you have to offer to your connections. People gets to relax more with you when you're not the demanding type, Personally I give without expectation. I always ask my contact “What can I do to help?” I give recommendation and network them with other professionals sometimes I spend a good amount of time just listening because every person has need something, you will never know if you don't build rapport with them. 
This philosophy will help build up your reputation, integrity and personal brand. 
4) Know your value.
With any networking scenario, there will be give and take. A lot of people, especially youth, don’t realize what value they can provide. Every person has value and it comes from your experiences, your energy and enthusiasm, your personality and your contacts. Beyond that, you should get comfortable with knowing your personal brand and elevator pitch. Take to the time to understand what you bring to the market place. Remember that networking is not selling, It is sharing values
5) Build the relationships.
Networking is just the start. Your ultimate goal is to build a relationship. That is where the true value of networking comes into play because you will get advice, support, mentorship, recommendation and a higher likelihood of opportunities coming your way.
6) Everyone is a bridge.
We forget that every single person we meet can be a bridge to someone else. Perhaps that cashier has an uncle who works at the company that need your product? I have discovered opportunities from random meetings in an elevator, a subway seat and a New Year’s Eve party. Know that you can network anywhere, anytime with anyone!
7) Networking strategies are great, but learn the tactics.
Every online article provides the basic networking tips and strategies — have business cards, have a plan, etc. But very few talk about actual tactics. You need to learn how to enter build rapport, not by questioning, say something that will let the other person reply you and leave the conversation while you see the red signs. The best tactic to enter a conversation is to use your “power words” such as “Hi!”, “Excuse me…”, “Sorry to interrupt…” and “Pardon me…” These words will get you into any conversation. Just make sure you are clear and loud enough to be heard. You should also ask open-ended questions such as “what are you passionate about” and “where do you see yourself in 10 years”. These questions invest, engage and open up the conversation. When you need to leave, again use your power words from above and mention the next step you’d like to meet you sometimes ( can i have your phone number, e-mail, LinkedIn connection, Facebook, etc.).
8) Leverage Online Networking is now expected, so build a compelling presence and brand.
Social networking websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ are huge right now. Start building your profiles in these spaces if you are there. If you are not sure where to be, think about who you want to network with. For example if the majority of the people and companies you admire are engaging on LinkedIn and Facebook then you need to be there. Having a strong profile, responding to articles and updates, and connecting with people you have networked with will build your online personal brand.
9) Not following-up renders networking useless!
So often people exchange business cards and never contact each other. Or they add each other on LinkedIn and the networking dies there. Remember you are building a relationship and you want to be memorable. Following up is critical to making networking work effectively. In fact, by following up you are setting yourself apart to be a pro-network. you can send them mails, messages, call them up time to time, arrange meet ups and get to stay in touch.
10) You must want it!
Networking is like leadership, is something you have to want and demonstrate. This mean you have to do everything — be prepared, get better, learn more, follow your company system and be creative, rehearse your tactics, offer to help, use social networking, follow-up and build the relationship — to make an impact with networking. 
My wish for you is: You decide to become a network professional; you decide to go pro; you decide to do all it takes because it is a stone code fact that we have a better way... Now let’s go tell the world

Thursday, January 29, 2015

5 Things You Need to Know Before Joining Any Direct Selling Company

I have taken sometime to share with you 5 fundamentals principle to must have in mind before going into Network marketing to build a solid Business.
A good number of people we know in the past, maybe now are very much into Direct Selling Business popularly known as Networking Marketing or Direct Sales or MLM (Multi Level Marketing) 
But just in case you’re thinking of going into Network marketing. I will like to give you so insight to building a long-term solid business.
I know as crazy as it sound; Networking Business is a more reliable and sustainable venture, it is a fair system that rewards you for your time and effort. It is a level playing field that rewards anyone will average skill to improve and compensate you long-term for your hard work. My recommendation for who wants to win, take responsibilities of their personal life Network marketing is a very important place you should consider. Take advantage it will get you the kind of lifestyle you desire.

1. Passion for your Product:
You must be very, very passionate about your company's product(s), whatever product you're marketing, your progress & success will be very slow if your only motivation is the money and you might quit, that’s losing your business
The reason is the Money involved is crazy, you can make as little as nothing as much as well over   $1,000,000. The reason is eventually, when you start your business and the challenges roll it, your passion for your product that keeps you going. Your passion for your product is a formula for your success

2. Industry Leader:
This is very important that the company you are teaming up with should be Number 1, in their product Line categories (Why should you work for an oil company called Uncle Jide & Co, when Chevron, Total & Oando is available)
What this does for you, it makes you job more easier because your company is positioning: It is a brand to that everyone will like to associate with. We have well over 10,000 direct selling industries in the world. Of course I will not list any brand name. Here are few tips, you can always check
The top 100 direct selling companies
 The rating of a particular company.
So it is very important for you to be part of Industry Leader (the running giant)

3. Events & Training:
We all go to school at some point in our lives because we know ignorance is much more expensive than the cost of education. The reason why a lot of network professional fails it they refuse to seek help: training (we need help now because we are weak but because we want to stay strong)
So going for your company events and training is very important to your success when it comes to Network marketing, it will help boost your believe system, events gives you all the knowledge you need to succeed in your business. This is the reason why the biggest why the biggest network marketing company remains the biggest, because they have got a pretty amazing training. If you have any successful Network Professionals you know, you can ask what contribute their major success.

4. Compensation Plan
You have got to be part of company that pays you for your effort, some company is paying as much as 60% of the revenue back to their business partner/retailer/distributor, So before you partner up with a direct selling company, Make sure you get to know about their compensation plan and all the other bonuses. Every company has it. I am not going to mention any company name.
 Here are few tips, you can always check
The Best 100 direct selling company
 The Best direct selling company with the rich compensation plan
It is equally very important for you that you get to enjoy your own company and be part of Industry that cares about you.

5. Team & Mentorship
Here is the toughest thing about mentorship; it is hard for you to teach someone how to become what you’re not (You can only give what you have abi? smiles). In the case we need to understand the concept of modelling, so if you want to have huge success in your life find someone that has the kind of success that you want, figure how they did it; do the same thing and you’ll get the same result. Basically that’s modelling is all about.
 So if you’re someone that is serious and not afraid of hard work, coachable and teachable then go find someone in the Network Company; you’re into or going into. Who has the kind of success you want to mentor you someone who has done it. So if you want to have a lot of success you must work hard, attend training & events and finally you must be willing to follow your mentorship if you do want to have a lot of success

My wish for you is: You decide to become a network professional, you decide to go pro, you decide to do all it takes because it is a stone code fact that we have a better way
Now let’s go tell the world

16 Reasons Why You should Join Network Marketing

Become your Own Boss:
When you join the Business, you are now your Own Boss:
You get to manage your own organization (Company).
You decide when to work; time to work, where to work and how to work,
It is freedom of the highest order

Fulfil Your Dreams:
Oh yes, it is quite unfortunate some of us has gone from grownups to givenups
The good news is Network Marketing gives you the opportunity to realize your dreams in life,
Ultimately, Money in your pocket is not a dream; it is about you living: live on your own terms and if you don't have a dream: Call me we can fix that
It is time to Dream On. Dream Big & Start Small

Learn Time Management:
As a network professional, you will learn how to keep appointments and manage yourself,
You get to develop yourself and you'll become the best of you.
Stay Real, Stay Better, Remain Yourself

Work from Home:
Network Marketing gives you total flexibility and no more stressful rush hour hold up
No more Lekki/ Ajah/ 3rd Mainland/ Ikorudo/ Mowe/ Apapa, hold up again
Gone are the days networking marketing involves you knocking on stranger's door

Learn How To Coach Others For Success:
Frankly there is nothing more rewarding than helping others to achieve success.
The greatness news about networking marketing is for you must help others
Do this with satisfaction and guess what financial rewards are yours.

Develop Patience Skills:
Network Marketing teaches you how to be patient with others that are learning the business and finding their confidence.
Apply this in your daily activities and in any business you intend to start
It is all good :)

Learn From Different Professionals:
Network marketing has got many professionals that you will be able to learn and grow from.
Do you want to meet more responsible people?
Show Up & Boom.

Learn Presentation Skills:
Network Marketing will teach you how to prepare yourself for presentation and how to present when you have a larger audience
See you at the Stadium abi :)

Learn People Management
You will learn how to talk and interact with people and how to respond to people's queries
How to build rapport and be a better you
Everything Nice :D

Learn Leverage:
The beauty of Network Marketing is that it helps you understand the leverage attribute when it comes to your success in achieving greater wealth.
Over Make Sense

Learn Speaking Skills:
Oh ooooooo, this is amazing for real,
Listen; as you start to talk to more people with your network Business you naturally improve your speaking skills.
That's the same You, You gets much better

Learn Marketing Skills:
You will learn how to market yourself, the truth is you're selling yourself, then your business and your products
Listen to me; it is all about you: Game On

Travel Opportunities:
Yeah! You read this one.... That is right you're reading what you're seeing
Where do you like to go? In Network Marketing you can travel all around the world doing business and opening up new business.
You will travel to places that you have never dreamt of visiting and places you have always wanted to visit.
Stop thinking about Visa and let's talk serious business

Meet New People:
I am telling you. Meeting new people and creating new friendships worldwide when doing your business, is what makes Network Marketing more Fun
Thinking of what you're going to do with your endless contact list?
Let's Play

You Earn while You Learn
Network marketing it is an entire Level playing ground for all professionals.
You earn while learning how to do the business, unlike the traditional job where you are employed based on your qualification and experience.
Rise & Grind

You Earn a Residual Income
Talking about that Network Marketing provides you with a Residual Income, You earn even when you are asleep.
After putting in great effort and working hard, you will eventually earn a passive income.
Life is good

My wish for you is: You decide to become a Network Professional, you decide to go pro, you decide to do all it takes because it is a stone code fact that we have a better way
Now let’s go tell the world

Contact Details
Esho Oluwaseun
+234 810 491 1410